

来源:http://www.jnlgvf.com/ 日期:2023-04-19 发布人:admin
膜阀都有哪些结构分类 隔膜阀按结构形式可分为:屋式、直流式、截止式、直通式、闸板式和直角式六种;连接形式通常为法兰连接;按驱动方式可分为手动、电动和气动三种,其中气动驱动又分 隔膜阀都有哪些结构分类
What are the structural classifications of diaphragm valves? Diaphragm valves can be divided into six types according to their structural forms: house type, direct flow type, globe type, straight through type, gate type, and right angle type; The connection form is usually flange connection; According to the driving method, it can be divided into three types: manual, electric, and pneumatic. Among them, what are the structural classifications of pneumatic driving and diaphragm valves
Diaphragm valves can be divided into six types according to their structural forms: roof type, direct flow type, globe type, straight through type, gate type, and right angle type; The connection form is usually flange connection; According to the driving method, it can be divided into three types: manual, electric, and pneumatic, among which pneumatic driving is further divided into three types: normally open, normally closed, and reciprocating.
Right angle diaphragm valve:
Also known as flange type, it is a commonly used code name for * (G41). The valve body is lined. The lining of the diaphragm valve body is to better utilize its corrosion resistance characteristics. This type of structure can be made into a right angle type in addition to a straight through type.
Ridge type diaphragm valve:
Its structural shape is similar to that of a globe valve. This type of diaphragm valve has a greater fluid resistance than a right angle diaphragm valve, but has a larger sealing area and good sealing performance, making it suitable for pipelines with high vacuum.
Straight-through diaphragm valve:
Its structural form is similar to that of a gate valve, and the gate type diaphragm valve has a small fluid resistance, making it suitable for conveying viscous materials. Diaphragm materials commonly include natural rubber, chloroprene rubber, butyl rubber, nitrile rubber, isobutylene rubber, fluorinated rubber, and polyfluoroethylene propylene plastic (F46). The disadvantage of diaphragm valves is that their pressure resistance is not high, usually within 6kgf/cm2 (0.6MPa); The temperature resistance performance is also limited by the diaphragm, generally only able to withstand 60~80 ℃, and ≤ (fluorinated rubber) does not exceed 180 ℃.
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