

来源:http://www.jnlgvf.com/ 日期:2021-10-06 发布人:admin
Any machine must be protected and repaired to detect whether the machine can operate normally, so as to ensure everyone's life safety and avoid accidents. Therefore, it is essential to protect and repair the machine.
If you don't pay attention in the usual days, an incident will occur, so the protection of butterfly valve hydraulic drive equipment is essential in daily life. Hugong valve editor tells you that the main aspects of repair are:
1. After the completion of butterfly valve hydraulic equipment, add certain oil to the equipment according to the instructions. New oil can be added to the oil tank only after being filtered.
2. During initial operation, confirm whether the rolling direction of the motor is accurate
3. After the initial operation, the pressure in the accumulator should use nitrogen, not oxygen, so it is easy to explode.
4. Always check whether all parts of the machine are normal and damaged. If not, replace them in time to avoid accidents.
5. If abnormal phenomena such as fault indicator light and oil leakage occur, check them in time. If problems are found, repair them in time.
When there is a problem, it must be repaired in time. Pay attention to the following points:
1. When the hydraulic driving equipment of butterfly valve has problems, find the repair personnel to find the problems in time and repair them
2. When replacing the parts in the equipment, the oil in the accumulator shall be drained first to avoid the occurrence of accidents.
3. When replacing electrical parts, the power supply shall be closed in time to avoid electric shock.
4. When repairing, check whether the strength and hardness of the screw meet the rules of the manufacturer.

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